Defining Engagement

This summer in my graduate work I’ve been diving into the question of learner engagement.  Teachers intuitively know that engagement is important, but it’s often a struggle to know how to build learner engagement or even how to define it.  Like Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s 1964 definition of obscenity, we sometimes say about engagement, […]

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Graphic Design 101 for Online Teachers

Graphic design isn’t a skill that we teach in education courses.  After all, when would a teacher need to dabble in layout?  However, when a teacher moves into online learning or even blended learning, graphic design becomes an absolutely critical skill.  In today’s world, being able to create a page that clearly communicates information while […]

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Exploring Graphics for Learning

This semester I’m taking a course at Boise State University called Graphic Design for Learning. The course focuses on best practices for creating instructional graphics that help with learning in digital tools/online courses/texts. So far, the most mind-blowing fact I’ve learned is the potential impact of graphics on learning, both positive and negative. According to […]

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Trello for Time Management!

My absolute favorite tool lately is called Trello.  Trello is a super flexible time management/project management tool.  You can set up boards for different areas of your life like Work, Personal, etc. and then add lists within those boards.   My Work board includes lists for ongoing projects, next action lists, someday projects, and done.  It’s […]

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Time Tips for Online Students

A reader this week asked about what specific time tips I share with online students.  What a great tie-in to a project I’ve been working on this year!  I’ve been trying to add regular posts to my classes that specifically focus on how to be a better time manager and a better online student.  The feedback from […]

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